Giveaway and Interview with Dr. Amour from Integration (Bonfire #2) by Imogen Rose
Posted by Simply Infatuated
A big thanks to Imogen Rose, who took the time to sit down with Dr. Amour, one of the characters from her novel, Integration.
I first spotted Dr. Amour on the Amazon forums when she was serializing one of her romance novels. I have been trying to get an interview ever since. However, she is loath to talk about her books, sometimes even pretending to be dead to avoid it. She has finally relented to an interview as long as I don’t mention the book. I met her for coffee in St Moritz. She arrived looking slightly stressed, but opened up after chugging down on five Espressos.
How long have you been at Bonfire Academy?
I’ve been at the Academy for going on three years now. It has been the most frustrating, challenging, and rewarding three years of my life.
Were you trained here at Bonfire Academy or somewhere else?
I was brought in to the Bonfire Academy at the age of ten and was schooled and trained here. This is the only place I know as home.
What are the most frustrating aspects of your job?
Administration. Professor Kunz can be especially difficult to work with. He doesn’t always play well with others.
Are you a full faery or a hybrid?
I am a hybrid. I am three-quarters faery, but my grandfather was a Wanderer. I attribute my constant search for truth within each of us to him.
Which kind of paranormal seek your advice most often?
I seem to attract the largest Troll audience. It may be because of their appearance or their general grumpiness; most of the other therapists tend to avoid them.
There has been a lot of talk about Rea and Noella this year. Have they been in to see you?
No, they haven’t, but they should. Thank you for reminding me. I must make a note to have them come in. Rea has gained the reputation as a troublemaker. Noella seems more levelheaded, so hopefully I can reason with her.
Being a faery, do you find it difficult to council other types of paranormals?
Not usually. I believe being a hybrid has something to do with it. We all have our strengths and weaknesses in being who we are. The trick is to find a common ground and work through it from there.
Do demons ever seek your advice? How do you protect yourself from their temper?
Demons don’t come in very often to see me. They are already convinced that they know everything and find counseling to be a waste of time.
Do you think love has a place in the paranormal world or is it all about lust?
I think love has a place in every world.
Professor Kunz was a bit disparaging when he described you as the paranormal “Dr. Phil.” What do you have to say about that?
What do you expect from a warlock? For someone who cries himself to sleep every night, he lacks compassion.
Is there a natural animosity between warlocks and faeries?
I don’t believe so. There are bad seeds in every group, but I see real hope that one day, hopefully in my lifetime, we can all live in peace and harmony.
What are your plans for the future?
Hopefully, the Academy continues to see my work here as helpful. I couldn’t imagine being any other place.
From Imogen Rose: I’d like to thank Anne-Marie Monlezun for getting into character and responding to my questions as her paranormal alter ego, Dr. Amour.
About Integration
A boyfriend missing
A lover must pay in blood
A princess must die
Welcome back to Bonfire Academy.
An Excerpt from Integration
Broken. I couldn’t think of a better word to describe it. I felt as if I’d been torn to bits, maybe even shredded. I was suffocating, surrounded by a wet tightness of skin and flesh all crusted together. My body was home to excruciating stabs of pain searing about randomly before a final thrust of sheer agony. I couldn’t tell if the source of the pain was within me or if I was being repeatedly sliced open with a knife. Did it matter? I felt as though it was only a matter of seconds before my thoughts would end.
My name. I flinched as the same voice repeated my name again and again. Why? Who was it? It—he—sounded familiar. I heaved as the voice triggered the memory of his face. Then, not being able to stop the bile from traveling up my throat, I gagged and purged, emptying my stomach completely. The next time he muttered my name, his voice was laced with disgust. But his revulsion couldn’t compete with my utter repugnance and disbelief at what he’d done. Him. Someone I had trusted with my life, even though the rule was clear:
Trust No One.
About Imogen Rose
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