Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Book Maven: INTEGRATION Bewitching Book Tour stop 15

Review: Integration by Imogen Rose

Today I have the awesome chance to review Imogen Rose’s newest book in her Bonfire Chronicles series, Integration.  This was a phenomenal follow-up in the series.  I will warn anyone who has not read the first book, Initiation, you may be a little confused in parts of my review and I will try not to have any spoilers.
Integration begins betrayal, but you don’t quite know who is betraying Cordelia.  We just know it is someone close to her.  We then jump back two years to the beginning of the Integration years for Faustine and Cordelia’s apprenticeship.  She is excited for this opportunity, but many things from the start make her realize this isn’t going to be easy coming back.  Mason has returned and her problem of having two boyfriends and only one she can really be with.  As the years go on so do the problems with Faustine and the shifters.  Although, Cordelia is there to help and protect her she can’t always prevent her from what she does.  Threatening haiku’s come into play and become ominous when one of Cordelia’s boyfriends goes missing.  After dead-end after dead-end, Cordelia seeks out the help of Faustine’s father, the king of London.   Many intricacies and plot twists play out and in the end we are back where we started a betrayal.
I loved this book.  It was much more detailed than the first book and the story reached depths that I didn’t know it could reach.  I loved the love triangle and you could truly feel the angst Cordelia felt trying to do what she knew she had to do.  The diverse characters and paranormal entities really allows the story and those to come to go in many different directions. I love the story building and how it can just suck you in.  I do recommend though that you read the first book, Initiation, before diving into this one.  You will be given more precedence and understanding if you do so.  But, I will say this read those two books and you will be writing Imogen Rose an email asking her to hurry up for the next book.  I know I can’t wait and I have a TBR list a mile long.
For additional information on Initiation and/or Integration by Imogen Rose you can visit her website, or go to Barnes and Noble, Amazon or any other book retailer.  I want to thank Imogen Rose for stopping by today and for Bewitching Blog tours for allowing me to host this stop.

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