Today, I am now with my book launch it. Since my university has already started again, I have to do anything more at the moment. I've been thinking about this book since it already gives some reviews, I want to introduce you to the author a bit. I collected each interesting interview questions from other blog and compose and translated. For me it is always interesting to see who is behind the book, we see the book in a completely different context. Who wants to read the relevant sections in the original interview, I have added the sources.
The biography on your website describes your life in three movements from the time you were born, right up to the birth of your first child and your promotion. I'm sure a lot has happened in those years. Let's start with your growing up in Sweden. How different was your life from your daughters growing up in New Jersey?
Life was easier for me. It was really only spend time with my friends, going to school in a few extracurricular activities and take part to get top grades. Now life is emphasized much more competitive. Even sports and other activities are not only to have fun there. It is in all about being the best. I have a feeling that we carry an incredible amount of pressure on our children. In my school district, which means students get not even a lunch break, which is more time than just for the food. When I was young, the lunch was the best time of my school day, a time to talk with friends.
As you grew up, were you a bookworm? What were your favorite books?
Was I! I've always liked reading. When I was a child, I loved Enid Blyton and later Agatha Christie, PG Wodehouseund George Orwell were among other my favorites.
Tell us about the places where you have lived, your zwschen excerpt from home until you come to New Jersey are
I have lived in many places, my absolute favorite is London. Even though I was born in Sweden, I think of London as my "home" I like the cosmopolitan feel of the city, the pubs, the food and of course the shopping.
You have a PhD in immunology. Explain in simple what is immunology.
There are different types of immunologists. I am a researcher in immunology. I started my work in human antibody production, and later, I then specialized in immunology in the Aneurismenoperation what was the subject of my thesis.
When did you know you wanted to become an author?
It grabbed me after I wrote my first book, Portal, and published. I felt that I had to continue to write the story. 
source )
What do you find the most productive time of day to write?
I write late at night once the kids are in bed and my dog, Tallulah, next to my feet snoring. I think then my dreamy mind is at its most active.
If you begin your projects with paper and pen to write or do you do everything on the computer?
It's all on the computer. A big difference to my first thesis in college. I remember that I wrote them by hand and they have then added to typewrite.Thankfully I now have a MacBook
Where does your inspiration?
My dreams, myself, friends and family, Jonathan Rhys Meyers (which explains in part write the nightly).
If you put yourself goals when you sit down to write, something like a word count?
No, but I like to finish the first draft of a month after I started. Then it's time for the next dream.
You publish your books yourself or with the help of a publisher and how did you get the design of the cover?
I publish my own books I am a Amateurphotographin and digital arts activist, the covers I have designed himself. 
How did you get the idea for this book?
I've always been a storyteller (almost all parents are so well). Imagine yourself goodnight stories and talk to other fantasies about my children. (I acted as if a hippo would be living in the shed of my neighbors, to amuse my daughter).Specifically, this story is born out of a dream. I dreamed about this story all my life, sometimes even with sequels. However, things have happened in my life that have sparked this particular dream. When I look back, he was probably influenced by the sudden death of my mother strong and my strong need for it.
source )
What has inspired you to write portal?
PORTAL was inspired by one of my dreams. I decided on a whim to write down these and my youngest daughter has read it and asked, "What happens next".That inspired me to finish the story and continue writing. My daughter read all the printer spit out and was so enthusiastic that I went on writing and a novel was.
If you could pick a soundtrack for your book, what would it be?
This is really difficult. To consider a soundtrack would take longer than writing the book. At the end of each song must express the feelings of a scene.Nevertheless, I have a few suggestions from the pieces that have inspired me during the writing and driven.
To The Moon & Back (Savage Garden) 
Bonfires (Blue Foundation) 
Uprising (Muse) 
This Time (Jonathan Rhys Meyers) 
Erase (Mika) 
Travel in Time (Kate Havnevik) 
People are Strange (The Doors) 
Heaven From Here (Robbie Williams) 
Come As You Are (Nirvana) 
4: AM Forever (Lost Prophet) 
Disenchanted Lullaby (Foo Fighters) 
Pop Princess (The Click Five ..... for Ella, obviously!) (source)
What was especially exciting for me with her biography. Like a doctor with a PhD to author comes to fantasy to be. Now I have to Atwort.
Their statements on the subject of "his child" I find very appropriate. I sometimes feel like a bit of childhood is lost when one considers the precision with which you sometimes expect that a child can have. But that is just my personal impression.
I hope I could give you some information about the background of the book.The book can be seen as Ebook on Itunes and Kobobooks relate. A print version is on Amazon to find.
Who wants to know about the author. She is with Twitter and Facebook to find and runs his own website and a blog .
I wish all other participants have fun even in the Tour.