Monday, September 24, 2012

Imogen Rose Die Portal-Chroniken on

Imogen Rose
The Portal Chronicles

This is the prelude to a large-scale fantasy series of living in the U.S. author Imogen Rose.Volume 1 begins with a prologue and a mysterious phrase whose meaning is revealed only in the course of reading slowly, "Come and find me two years ago." Olivia is pregnant and her marriage just before the off, as they at a stag night the attractive Rupert meets. It's love at first sight and it's Rupert, who whispers to her that sentence before the two go their separate ways. But Olivia and Rupert's romance is not the focus of this story. It is the Icherzählerin, Olivia's daughter, Arizona.
Arizona is such a right Kratzbürste in their teens. No one in their right mind, lies down with her. At home, she is in the ice arena. As the only girl, she plays for the selection of the school hockey team. You know yourself is to push through, quick-witted and more a boy than a girl. Just the sixteen dreams of a successful skirmish on the ice as she wakes up in a car. Although her mother is at the wheel and her sister Ella is sleeping in the back seat, but Arizona come quite a few things before Spanish and a queasy feeling is spreading in her. When she stands in front of his parents and then her dad met to Arizona is certain: nothing is right here together. Your home is another, the man in the living room, which is to be her father is unknown to her and her room is completely foreign to her. When she later in the mirror and noticed that her dark hair is blond suddenly, it's over with her self-control.
Who it was, staring at me from this? I slowly walked to the mirror and stared into it. My hand went up to my hair. I pulled it. Ouch! It was stuck in my head, but it could not be mine. It was blond ... platinum blond! I looked ridiculous, like a hideous Barbie doll. I moved back because this time more to me finally wake myself, but I groaned when I avulsion a tuft. I stared at the hair in my hand, felt disbelief strands with my fingers. I felt a sense of horror, and then I lost control. I shouted.
Since Arizona had ever been in therapy, she does not dare to run for help to her mother, with whom she is not very well understood anyway. She first tries to explore the situation, and to be seen to solve the problem alone. She finds out that she and her family no longer lives in New Jersey, but in California. That they do not play hockey but a cheerleader is. That lie between the last memory of the old life and the presence of eight months. States that her father Rupert. That it goes to a different school and that she has an older brother. They discovered, however, that it is not the only one whose life has turned, by jumping through time out of the blue by 180 degrees. But what's behind it and above all, why Arizona was swept from one place to another and hurled through time?
The Portal Chronicles is a young adult novel, but also has the potential to inspire adult readers. The heroine turns out to be, although it is presented as a brat at the beginning and later with a tendency to chick as a likeable character. The author skillfully weaves to a love story, exciting plot elements and witty teenage conflicts. In addition, she talks in the first volume is not all the mysteries surrounding the time jumps, so enough curiosity is stoked on the second part. Imogen Rose has delivered with its snappy writing style, good fantasy material for the youth.
Thanks to  Allison Potter  for providing the reading copy.

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